Top 10 Beauty of Different Types Of Lip Piercings

Different types of lip piercings have advanced into a popular fad that has drawn a lot of attention. The realm of self-expression is always changing, as seen by the surge in popularity of lip piercings.

Understanding the subtle differences between the many lip piercing types options is essential before deciding to get your lip pierced.

By offering information about different lip piercing jewellery and factors to take into account, this book seeks to demystify the art of Different types of lip piercings female and help you make an informed choice.

Different Types Of Lip Piercings

There are several primary varieties of lip piercings available, each with unique location, subtleties, and aftercare requirements.

1. Piercing The Labret

Different types of lip piercings

A labret piercing, which is positioned exactly in the centre, just below the lower lip, is a traditional option. This piercing may be worn with a variety of rings or labret studs, like the gorgeous 16G gold PVD opalize bezel set titanium labret shown below. It is quite adaptable.

A "lowbret" piercing is situated to the left or right, much below the lower lip. Only labret studs will fit through this piercing in terms of jewellery.

Although more on such piercings later, bites from snakes and spiders are also classified as labret piercings.

2. Monroe Piercing

Different types of lip piercings

The Marilyn Monroe piercing, so named in honour of the legendary actress and model Marilyn Monroe, mimics the appearance of her distinctive birthmark. Usually, a labret stud is used to penetrate it someplace on the left side, above the top lip.

The appealing allure of the Monroe piercing lies in its precise location, which takes significant thought to achieve the ideal amount of asymmetry.

The most genuine Monroe piercing is situated on the extreme left, just above the upper lip, close to the area where your smile line naturally creases. Some, on the other hand, would rather retain their Monroe piercing closer to the upper lip. If you like the latter arrangement, you have a little more options when it comes to jewellery because it can hold both a ring and a labret stud.

3. Piercing Medusa

Different types of lip piercings

The Medusa piercing, also known as a philtrum piercing, is placed just above the upper lip in the dip of your cupid's bow. Anatomically speaking, they are the two vertical ridges that link your nose to your upper lip, or the "philtrum." Piercing the philtrum is a popular option for people looking to make a dramatic statement since it can be both beautiful and stunning. As your philtrum piercing is front and centre, there is no incorrect way to accessorize it.

Some choose for a very detailed labret stud, taking up more space in the philtrum. An example of such a labret is the thread less, beaded, ultra clear CZ titanium labret (shown below). Some choose for a more understated and traditional design, maybe matching it to other facial piercings.

4. Piercing Madonna

Different types of lip piercings

The Madonna piercing is situated on the right side, above the top lip, just as the Monroe. The American pop icon Madonna, whose right side of the face had a beauty mark, served as the inspiration for the name of the Madonna. While there are unquestionably similarities between Madonna and Monroe's piercings, location matters.

The beauty mark of Madonna lies beneath the right nostril, somewhat off-centre, above the lips. While some just replicate the Monroe on the other side for symmetry, some like the piercing in this area for authenticity.

In recognition of Madonna's influence on music and style, many decide to get a piercing. A labret stud is used for both the initial piercing and long-term use in a Madonna piercing, just like in the Monroe. This triple bead titanium thread less labret is an intriguing and stylish option for a more customized look.

5. Angel Bites

Different types of lip piercings

A matching set of piercings above the top lip on either side of the cupid's bow are known as the "angel bites" piercing.

Although the moniker "angel bites" is intriguing, nobody knows where it came from. Because of this, the angel bites piercing is sometimes referred to as a Monroe/Madonna combination or anti-bites. Whatever you name it, however, flawless symmetry is essential to mastering this audacious piercing.

The pierce has complete control over the location. While some people prefer them on the outside corners of their lips, others prefer them closer to the middle.

Your initial jewellery will probably be labret studs, and you'll probably keep wearing labrets until the healing process is finished. Although it's not a strict requirement, angel bites usually wear the same jewellery in both piercings.

One intriguing viewpoint about angel bites is that it's not necessary to commit to both piercings simultaneously. It's common to pierce one side first, like Marilyn or Madonna, to give oneself time to get used to the new piercing. If you'd like, you can go back to your original piercer and do the second piercing when the healing process is complete. For the genuine angel bites look, just make sure it's symmetrical with your original piercing.

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6. Bits From Snakes And Spiders

Different types of lip piercings

A bite from a snake or a spider punctures the lower lip many times.

Two piercings on opposite sides of the lower lip that are symmetrical and equally spaced make up a snake bites piercing. It resembles a reverse angel bite piercing! As with angel bites, the pierce has complete control over where the snake bites are placed as long as they are symmetrical.

One side of the lower lip is pierced twice, side by side, to create a spider bites piercing. Spider bites are easily identifiable, regardless of whatever side you pick, since they are spaced so closely together that it seems as though you were bitten by a real spider.

Labret studs and rings fit through bites from both snakes and spiders. We believe matching burble anodized titanium captive bead rings are a great fit for either piercing.

7. Piercing Dahlia

Different types of lip piercings

One of the most unusual alternatives is a dahlia piercing, which involves piercings on both corners of the mouth.

Its horrific title is derived from the notorious 1947 Los Angeles murder of Elizabeth Short, who became known after her death as the Black Dahlia. It was alleged that her lips had been slit from its corners up to her ears when her body was found.

Depending on the style you've chosen, the dahlia might be positioned closer to the mouth's corners or farther away. The unique dahlia piercing lets you accessorize with unique pieces that draw attention to the features of your face; labret studs are usually used to achieve this classic appearance.

But keep in mind that, just as with angel and snake bites, symmetry is important to a classic dahlia piercing.

8. Jestrum Piercing

Different types of lip piercings

Similar to the Meduas, jestrum piercings exit via the bottom of the upper lip after going through the philtrum (the same place as the Medusa). Some even refer to the jestrum as a "vertical medusa."

This piercing's peek-a-boo feature allows you to experiment with some pretty interesting jestrum jewellery possibilities. Though a jestrum piercing can only securely hold a bent barbell, there are countless alternatives that suit any style.

The greatest alternatives for curved barbells, in our opinion, are those with two distinct "ends."

This sepal CZ internally threaded titanium curved barbell, for instance, features a silver ball on one end and a cluster of cubic zirconium on the other. One of the key factors contributing to the jestrum's widespread popularity is the illusion created when they are placed into the piercing—that is, they will appear to be floating on both sides of the upper lip.

9. Horizontal Ligament Piercer

Different types of lip piercings

Another unusual choice available to you is a vertical labret piercing, which provides the same "floating" impression as a jestrum piercing. The jestrum is pierced through your upper lip, whereas a vertical labret is pierced through your lower lip. This is the main distinction.

Unlike the original labret piercing, which had just one visible point, the vertical labret has two points—below the bottom lip and in the centre of the bottom lip—because it runs perpendicular to the lower lip.

Regarding jewellery, a vertical labret mimics the natural curvature of your bottom lip by using a curved barbell. A variation such as this burble anodized titanium curved barbell would give an already well-liked lip piercing some vibrant flair.

10. Piercing The Lip Aftercare

Different types of lip piercings

But it's not entirely up to your piercer. The success of your lip piercing types will depend just as much on your aftercare regimen! A normal lip piercing will take at least 6 to 8 weeks to heal completely. The Monroe, Madonna, and Medusa (philtrum) piercings, however, may require three months or longer to fully heal.

Cleaning the piercing area twice a day with saline wound wash—which can be obtained at any drugstore beside first aid supplies—is crucial throughout the healing phase. Avoid touching the piercing excessively, but if you must, be sure you properly wash your hands first.

Because they can aggravate the wound, take care not to use strong chemicals, hydrogen peroxide, or isopropyl alcohol on your piercing. Antibiotic ointments should also be avoided since they can smother the piercing while entangling it in dangerous detritus.

Finally, avoid placing cotton balls, cotton swabs, rags, or towels directly on your piercing. These materials may leave fibres behind that might irritate or infect your piercing. Instead, after cleaning the area and/or taking a bath, blot away any extra liquid with a fresh paper towel.

Following the above-mentioned instructions for aftercare will guarantee a speedy recovery and long-lasting satisfaction with your new lip piercing.

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FAQ's Different Types Of Lip Piercings

Do lip piercings cause pain?

A: Getting your lip pierced will cause some discomfort as first, just like getting any other piercing. Naturally, there will be some pressure and a "quick pinch" as a sharp needle is inserted into your lip! Since everyone has a different threshold for pain, you are the best one to determine whether or not you can tolerate it. The likelihood is that a lip piercing won't feel all that different from other facial piercings you may have.

Naturally, the region will hurt after the piercing. The greatest strategy for getting over the agony as quickly as possible is to keep the piercing clean (and motionless).

I have a lip piercing can I still eat and drink normally?

A lip piercing types May first make it appear harder to chew or drink. But eating and drinking shouldn't be difficult if you get used to the new part of your mouth—a lip piercing. If you've never had a lip piercing before, our best recommendation is to take your time eating and/or drinking in order to prevent any uncomfortable snagging or bumping.

The Association of Professional Piercers advises against consuming any spicy, acidic, salty, or extremely hot meals or beverages for the first two weeks. Additionally, they warn against opening your mouth too quickly or widely if you have different types of lip piercings since this might result in your jewellery catching on your teeth.

How may having a lip piercing impact my dental hygiene?

Yes, to put it briefly! Any new item placed in your mouth might lead to the accumulation of germs or plaque. It's crucial to keep cleaning and flossing your teeth as usual during the healing process. The APP suggests using mouthwash after the initial healing phase, but not excessively.