What Order Do I Put My Skincare On

What order do i put my skincare on beautiful skin needs a regular skincare routine, but selecting which products to try first can be hard with an abundance of choices? Following the correct usage of your goods allows for that your skin benefits completely from them. We'll discuss the ideal skincare application order in this article, along with the reasons why it matters and some crucial pointers to help you get the most of your practice.

Why Is Skincare Order Important?

The efficiency of skincare products is greatly influenced by the order that they are applied. Every product has specific components in it that are most effective at the right time during your program. Some products might not get absorbed at all when placed out of order, which may decrease their efficacy. For this reason, knowing the right sequence in which to apply your cosmetics is essential to achieving the best available skin penetration and the intended results.

Step-by-Step Guide: What Order Do I Put My Skincare On Products?

1. Cleanser

What order do i put my skincare on

Having a blank slate makes it possible for your other items to function better. Using an oil-based cleanser, a water-based cleanser, or both (a process called double cleansing) can guarantee that all debris, sunscreen, makeup, and extra oil are removed from your skin.

  • Why this order is important: Skin that is clean facilitates greater product absorption and optimal performance. Serums and moisturizers may become less effective if they lie on top of debris and oil after improper washing.

2. Toner

After cleansing, use a toner to get the skin's pH levels back into balance and prepare it for the remainder of your beauty regimen. A good toner helps eliminate any remaining dirt from your skin after purification, leaving it feeling refreshed and moisturized.

  • The importance of this directive Toning the skin after washing assists in re-establishing any pH levels that the cleanser may have disrupted.. Additionally, toners can aid in pore tightening and improve moisturizer and serum absorption.

3. Substance

A light-textured, moisturizing liquid called an essence is intended to facilitate your skin's better absorption of subsequent treatments. Despite being a staple of Korean skincare regimens, this step is gaining popularity across the globe.

  • Why this order is important: Putting an essence on your skin before serums and treatments increases its moisture and makes it more responsive to the products that come next. It's an important stage in getting the skin ready for the most absorption.

4. Serums and Treatments

Some skin issues like aging, pigmentation, and dryness are specifically addressed by serums. These contain strong chemical compounds like retinol, hyaluronic acid, and vitamin C. Use your serums next to receive a focused dose of these beneficial substances.

  • Why this order matters: Applying serums before heavier creams makes sense because they are lighter than moisturizers. They are designed to deliver active substances precisely where they are required by penetrating the skin deeply.

5. Eye Cream

Often, the eye cream stage of your skincare regimen is specialized. Because the skin surrounding the eyes is thinner and more sensitive than the rest of your face, it needs particular care. To apply the product around your eyes, lightly tap with your ring finger; do not rub or pull at the skin.

  • Why this order matters: To guarantee that heavier moisturizers soak completely, use eye creams first as they are made for the delicate skin surrounding your eyes. You can more effectively tackle puffiness and fine wrinkles by applying eye cream after serum.

6. Moisturizer

To ensure that all of the earlier layers of moisture and therapy are retained, moisturizing is crucial. To help seal in dampness and shield your skin hindrance, pick a lotion that is suitable for your skin type (gel-based for sleek skin, cream-based for dry skin).

  • Why this grouping matters: to seal in every one of the fixings, cream ought to be applied last since it is typically thicker than serums. It creates a barrier that keeps everything else moisturized and undamaged day or night.

7. Sunscreen (Only for AM Routine)

What order do i put my skincare on

Sun needs to be the final step in your morning skincare practice. Sunscreen safeguards your skin from UV beams that might bring about sun related burn, hyperpigmentation, and untimely maturing. You really want to put on sunscreen, even on cloudy days or while you stay inside.

  • Why this sequence matters: Applying sunscreen last in your morning regimen creates a protective barrier. It's crucial to apply sunscreen last because doing so will prevent other skincare products from being absorbed.

8. Oil (Optional)

If you want to apply face oils, you should always do so after using a moisturizer. Applying oils last helps seal in moisture and form a barrier between your skin and the environment because of their thicker consistency. Oils work wonders to seal in all the active components from your routine or to provide an extra burst of moisture.

  • The significance of this order When oil is applied before a water-based moisturizer, a barrier is formed that keeps the moisturizer from properly hydrating your skin. It is essential to layer oils last in your routine because of this..

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AM vs. PM Routine

Your nightly regimen stresses repair and hydration, while your daytime approach will be more focused on protection, with sunscreen as the crucial last step. You can apply more potent treatments in the evening, including retinol or exfoliating acids, in place of sunscreen.

Cleanser, toner, essence, serums, eye cream, treatments (such retinol), moisturizer, and oil (optional) are the steps in the nightly regimen.

What Order Do I Put My Skincare On When Using Exfoliants or Masks?

What order do i put my skincare on

It's crucial to apply exfoliates and masks in the proper order if you want to enhance the texture and appearance of your skin even more. Apply exfoliating treatments (scrubs or AHA/BHA products) after cleansing but before toning, no more than three times a week, depending on how well your skin tolerates them. For best results, apply masks after toning but before serums so the chemicals may fully absorb.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Ignoring Sunscreen: Take on sunscreen at the end of your daily routine, regardless of the weather. It is the most effective protection you've got against signs of aging and damage from the sun.

  • Excessive Productivity: It's sometimes not better. Applying a great deal of stuff immediately could make your skin get overwhelmed and lose its viability.

  • Abuse of Serums: Serums ought to be applied just after toners and substances to permit the dynamic fixings to infiltrate the skin totally.

  • Inconsistent Routine: It's important to be regular. To attain the best possible results, adhere to the program with consistency.


To get the most from the benefits of your daily what order do i put my skincare on, when to apply your products. Using each item in the proper order—cleanser, toner, essence, serum, eye cream, moisturizer, and sunscreen—will make sure each one works to its maximum the capacity and leaves your skin looking healthy, hydrated, and beautiful. When the order is correct, your skin will thank you with a bright complexion!

FAQ’s: What Order Do I Put My Skincare On?

Does skin care order matter?

The order in which you use skincare products is important, according to celebrity esthetician and facialist Shani Darden. "In overall, you want to use products lightest to thick." This guarantees the cream stays in direct contact with your skin for all of it and that no potent compounds are lost.

Which do you use first, moisturizer or toner?

When To Apply Toners. Generally speaking, you should apply toner right after cleaning but before serum and/or moisturizer. In order for your serum and moisturizer to properly integrate into your skin and draw moisture into your skin after toning, it is really preferable to apply them when your skin is still slightly damp.

What is the skincare seven-method?

Skin care enthusiasts worldwide adore the Korean beauty treatment known as 7 Skin's Method. To put it briefly, it entails using up to seven layers of toner—yes, seven layers—between your cleanser and moisturizer.